Get into the habit of being happy!
We may all have different abilities, interests, beliefs and lifestyles, beliefs but there is one thing that we all have in common: We want to be happy!
Happiness shows you how to be happy by adopting lifelong "happiness habits" that bring and fulfilment and pleasure to your days.
These habits will help you manage life's inevitable ups and downs; consistent practice will develop your happiness abilities and help you live the happy life you want.
Aristotle believed that happiness was comprised of pleasure and a sense of life well-lived. Today's research agrees, suggesting that "happiness" is defined by your overall satisfaction with your life as well as how you feel from day to day. This book shows you that happiness is a skill made up of a particular set of habits that you can bring in your life starting today.
While happiness is not feeling good all the time you do have the ability to control how you feel
Happiness gives you the skills and perspective to recognise happiness and pursue a happy life—whatever that may mean for you.